Campus Safety & Security

Campus Safety and Security

Treasure Coast Technical College's annual campus crime report is available in the links provided below. This report is required by federal law in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act and contains crime statistics for TCTC. Policies and Procedures regarding these reports can be found in the School Catalog. For a copy of the Annual Campus Crime Report please stop by TCTC main campus.

Sexual Predator/Offender Information and Notification

The Federal Campus Crime Prevention Act of 2000 requires Higher Education Institutions to issue a statement informing Treasure Coast Technical College community where they may obtain information compiled by the state regarding Sexual Offenders and Predators. The act also requires registered Sexual Offenders/Predators to provide to appropriate state officials (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) notice of each institution of higher education at which the offender/predator is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student.

Information regarding Sexual Offenders and Predators is available:

How to access the state Sexual Offender/Predator database for institutes of higher education:

  1. Go to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website at
  2. Click on the red rectangle at the top left of the page that reads, "Offender Search"
  3. Scroll down to the gold "University Search", to find registered sexual offenders and predators that are enrolled, employed, or volunteering at an institute of higher education. Click on the gold rectangle that reads, "Begin Search"

Procedure regarding Receipt of Official Notification of Applicant/Student as Sexual Offender/Predator

Florida law, in section 775.21 (The Florida Sexual Predators Act) states in part, “[r]epeat sexual offenders, sexual offenders who use physical violence, and sexual offenders who prey on children are sexual predators who present an extreme threat to the public safety. Sexual offenders are extremely likely to use physical violence and to repeat their offenses, and most sexual offenders commit many offenses, have many more victims than are ever reported, and are prosecuted for only a fraction of their crimes.”

Florida law, in section 943.0435, states in part, “[t]he Legislature finds that sexual offenders, especially those who have committed offenses against minors, often pose a high risk of engaging in sexual offenses even after being released from incarceration or commitment and that protection of the public from sexual offenders is a paramount government interest.

In July 2002, new provisions of these laws became effective which require sexual predators and sexual offenders to notify the state or the sheriff, as appropriate, of enrollment, employment, or the carrying on of a vocation at an institution of higher education in Florida. Each change in enrollment or employment status must be similarly reported. The state or sheriff must promptly notify each institution of the sexual predator’s or sexual offender's presence and any change in the sexual predator’s or sexual offender's enrollment or employment status.


Treasure Coast Technical College serves high school students as well as adult students.  Accordingly, pursuant to §856.022, Florida Statutes, individuals designated as Sexual Offenders/Sexual Predators by the State of Florida, or any other state, may not attend the College.