GED Testing

GED graphic

TCTC is an authorized testing center for the GED Exam. The GED exam covers four subjects:

  • Reasoning through Language Arts
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Mathematics

GED Test Scores

145 GED Passing score

  • To earn your high school equivalency, you’ll need to score 145 or higher on all four subjects.

165-174 GED College Ready

  • Scoring above 165 (on any test subject) means you have demonstrated you are ready to take college level courses and you may qualify for waivers from placement testing or developmental education requirements if you enroll in college.

175-200 GED College Ready + Credit

  • Scoring above 175 (on any test subject) means you have demonstrated skills that could qualify for up to 10 college credit hours.


Visit the GED website to schedule your exam at TCTC.  TCTC is not permitted to schedule your test.


Treasure Coast Technical College
4680 28th Court
Vero Beach, FL 32967


The cost of the full GED exam is $152 for all four sections, or $38 for an individual section.  The cost of an individual section for a retest is $12.

GED Test Registration

An individual must be 18 years of age or older, or have received an age waiver from the Florida Department of Education to take the GED test. 

PROCESS HAS CHANGED!  Information on how to obtain a GED age waiver can be found below by clicking on Florida GED Testing Program Underage Testing Form.  Age waiver forms must be notarized and submitted along with proof of withdrawal obtained from your high school to the Florida Department of Education at the email located at the top of the underage testing form.

Once approved by FLDOE, visit the GED website to select a date and register to take the exam at TCTC. 

TCTC offers classes to prepare students to take the GED test. Classes are offered at the Treasure Coast Technical College campus. Visit our GED webpage to learn more.